Sunday, January 23, 2005

snowed in orgie.

You couldn't guess who called today.

Yes, folks, the widower. Tonight is a nor'easter here in New England. FEET of snow, and somehow i found myself snowed in with Maggie.

Well, by somehow, I mean, I picked her up friday night and kidnapped her for the weekend. I'm birdsitting for nofan, so wanted some company. Who is Maggie, you ask?

Maggie is the girl nofan dated (and by dated we mean picked up drunk and fooled around with his brother's ex fuckbuddy) just before he met me. When I met Maggie, i desperately wanted to hate her. Instead, i found a girl who is a fuck of a lot of fun. She has amazing knockers, drinks like a fish, and dances like a stripper. When we were hanging out all the time, we started calling ourselves 'magica' because we are so similar in a lot of ways (mostly sexual openness and flirtatousness). Well, except she's CRAZY. Like, not alright in the head crazy. She gets monsterously drunk and cries all the time, dosen't know what is appropriate to discuss in what company, is a demanding bitch who orders you around then cheats on you behind your back...

She also happens to be 'not bisexual, just into erica.'

She started the weekend off talking about how it was going to be 'full of debuachery' and i knew i was in trouble. So I called in ASCOTW, I gave him his first threesome, and was in the mood to give him his second. Monkey wrench – Mags decided to invite her ex-boyfriend out to visit us. AWESOME.

Ascotw phoned on his way over. When i told him the exboyfriend was here he nearly turned back. I had to assure him there wouldn't be any trouble. Poor kid. There must be something about this town nofan lives in, because ASCOTW can't catch a break. He said his favorite moment was Mags walking up to him, drunk, and just saying, 'You know I can't, right?' I tried to show him another favorite moment, attempting to suck his soul out after Mags passed out. In nofans bed.

Anyway, while we all slept off our hangovers, the rest of the world prepared for the upcoming storm. Mags decided that her storm preparations wouldn't include food or such, but a tongue peircing and booze.

So on the way to the bodypeircing studio my phone rings. Mags picks it up and says, 'it's the WIDOWER!' I'm so surprised i fumble and drop the phone 2 times. When i finally manage to answer it, i'm flustered.
Oh wait, I never told you guys. The week after the fire, i called everyone i knew, including the widower. We made coffee plans, which he called to change to lunch plans on another day. When that day arrives, he phones again, with a sob story about having to cancel, and reschedule to dinner that saturday night. The friday before, I'm sitting in my office when my cell phone rings. Its him.
'i was just wondering why you hadn't called to cancel for tomorrow yet!' i said, answering the phone. I hear a big sigh, and just know.
'yes, erica. I'm just not ready. I'm training so hard for this fight, and...'
I cut him off. Ok, fine, widower. I have to go.' and flipped the phone closed. I sort of figured I'd never hear from him again. flash forward to today, driving in the beginning of a nor'easter.

'kitten,' he greets me, instantly making me smile. We share some idle chatter and then he gets down to it, 'So, kitten, I'm taking my mom out for an early dinner, and will be coming right through your town on the way home. I was wondering...'
'if you could get a bootycall?' i asked, almost sickeningly sweet.
It's quickly determined that this won't work out, seeing as i'm not home, and it also becomes clear i've made him uncomfortable calling a rose a rose.
I hang up the phone, mumbling something like 'give me a call, we'll make plans, or um, not make plans, or um...' lamely trying (and failing) to convey that even though he stands me up constantly and probably is more trouble than i can stand, somehow, i still wonder if he might not be worth putting up with his shit while he gets over his wife's death.

Oh well, Guess i'm just snowed in with booze, bud, boobies and a 9 inch cock. Holdon, maggie's calling me upstairs now...


Blogger erica looking said...

Hrm, I know you couldnt possibly mean the end of the alphabet yummy things like weed or wanking, so you must mean widower or xboyfriend!!!

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am never going to that fucking town again.

Ok, the TV is awesome. I'll be back. But there better be naked hot women layed out there for me.


7:14 PM  
Blogger erica looking said...

Man, would you look at that. Not coming back unless I have naked women laid out for him... Greedy bastard.

You'd think i'd be enough!

And, in the ine of earlier comments - i believe the ASCOTW is near the beginning of the alphabet also!!!! And, um, isn't TOBY near the end?


2:22 PM  

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