Friday, October 22, 2004

Uh - Oh.

I spent last night with FreakyFuckFoul. I had a very VERY good time.
We had an excellent dinner and a few drinks, and then he invited me back to his place, which I hadn't yet seen. Much better than many of the bachelor pads i've been to in my life, although I guess that's to be expected when there is a kid involved (he has a son whom he seems to care about and love very much).
We had amazing PERIOD fuckfun. Earlier in the week i mentioned that the REDTIDE was in, and he asked if he could play in it, saying he'd never tried that.
So we did. He fisted me, and got me off. All hot and all over the towels we laid down on the couch. YUM YUM YUM.
He kept saying 'it's so hot with my hand inside you, I don't care if we never fuck, I just LOVE watching your eyes roll back in the back of your head while you spray me!'
Good thing too, since I didn't wind up getting him off last night AGAIN. I did suck his cock a bunch, and at his request, I fisted his ass. I've NEVER done that before. It was really very sexy and felt very cool. It made me a little bit squeamish - the whole ass/shit thing, but the lights were out. Heh. But overall, I really enjoyed it - maybe as an occasional treat.
The uh-oh is that in a moment of drunken sharingness, I told him about this blog and said he could read it. So now he is.
That concerns me slightly. I've made him promise he can't hold anything he reads here against me and told him it's a big privledge, because no one else I know reads this (with very few exceptions). I just hope I don't censor myself, or feel uncomfortable talking about things with him, or any of my other exploits.

Ok, i should do some work.

This weekend I was supposed to cook dinner for the widower on Saturday, but the bum got tickets to game 1 of the world series. HE DOSEN'T EVEN LIKE BASEBALL! JERK!

So I'm trying to make fun debaucherous plans with GH for Saturday night. Who knows.

Talk to you all later!


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