Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Fire Frustrations

Yesterday - 3:00 pm

Tried to cash 1000 check my cousin gave me.
Told by the bank I would have to speak with Marcy and Stan.
Called Marcy. She said "Let me call the bank, I'll call you right back."
She calls back and says "The check didn't clear because I'm like 7 cents short in the account. I'll try and get down to the bank today, but I'm waiting for the washing machine delivery. I'll call you as soon as I know what's up."

No phone call.

I decide, well, if its 7 cents short, I really need to cash this check, I have a 5 dollar bill here, maybe I can deposit the cash. So I go back into the bank and say to the teller - "look, this is my cousin - I just spoke to her on the phone - she says she's only like 7 cents short on the account or something, If i deposit enough cash to make up the difference, can I cash this check?"
She says "oh that might work - I can't tell you how much short it is tho" and I say "that's ok, 5 dollars should cover it, right?" and she says 'Um, no. I think you should have Marcy call me"

Meaning its more than 7 cents short. Hoodfucking winked. Awesome.

Then this morning, I get the following voicemail:

Hi erica

its your cousin, I've been hashing this bank situation out. Sorry I
didn;t call you back last night. Here's the deal. Rip up that
thousand dollar check. There are total issues with the account right
now. Aaron didn't write something down right, or someone didn't write
something down right. Um, the check thats coming today is all yours.
It's a long story I'll explain it to you, I'll give you an email.
All of its going to be for you. And It's not all of your stuff,
because he just rushed what he thought was your stuff, which isnt
obviously all your stuff. What I'm going to do is sign that check,
i'm going toleave it here and have Stan sign it. You can come
tonight and pick it up. Stan will be here. So put it in your
account so you won't have to let it clear and clear so it just has to
clear once for your account. So, that's the plan as it stands. I'm
PRETTY much gone, but you can email me if you'd like. I'll be
checking email tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like she is gonna fuck you over one more time. I guess that's what family is for.

By the way, I am sure that if you drive down to Boston or better yet, Providence, you can find someone named Fat Tony or Vinnie to help you with your problem.

Wink Wink. You know what I mean?

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, You have a sexy voice.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what's up? Did she screw you over again?

Or did it all pan out and you cashed the check and you are on your way to a much deserved vacation in Cancun or the Bahamas?


9:58 AM  
Blogger Personalidade Bloguinho Portuga said...

I like your cousin. All that bs talk on the answering machine made me dizzy.

10:04 AM  

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