Monday, February 14, 2005

Impending doom

Oh man, what have I gotten myself into?

For lack of anything better to do, I agreed to hang out with PsychoSappho tonight, for valentines day.

All day I've been wondering so do they make valentines day cards that say 'happy valentines day. Don't get too excited, I don't like you all that much, you're just better than spending this aweful contrived holiday alone?'

So here's our im conversation

[17:10] ericalooking: hiya
[17:10] ericalooking: how was your day?
[17:10] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: :'(
[17:10] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: awful
[17:11] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: I'm in a seriously depressed mood... I dunno if you still want me to come!
[17:11] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: unless you're ready to just hold me and watch me get the crying out of my system :(
[17:11] ericalooking: yikes.
[17:11] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: yeah..
[17:12] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: doesn't sound like fun I know.

at which point i ask my friend for advice. "What should I say?" I ask.
haha. I think you say "perhaps it would be best if you had some time
and then flee.
"thank you for assuring me ahead of time that this evening would
suck. I'll call you"
you have hours of awkwardness ahead. press on!


[17:15] ericalooking: hrm. Well, i'm not sure how up for a crying fit I am...
[17:15] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: yeah
[17:15] ericalooking: but if thats what you really need...
[17:17] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: I dunno... I'd like to just realy forget everything. but I dunno if I can hold it together and I can't really handle burdening anyone any extra today
[17:17] ericalooking: well, i probably wont be much help, and frankly might loose it myself in the face of doom and gloom
[17:18] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: I need to not be alone. I also need to not ruin your day

eso, I recommend a coin toss.
can you put in a 'no hysterics' pre-date clause?

[17:18] ericalooking: but if you'd like to be taken out for a nice dinner and not be alone
[17:18] ericalooking: (ie try your damndest to just forget for the night)
[17:18] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: yeah
[17:18] ericalooking: then you're more than welcome
[17:18] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: which is what I want to do
[17:19] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: and forget that I have eight days till I'm both in court and homeless, that I can't find a practicum or internship, that Eve completely slapped me in the face today...
[17:19] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: that I'm a total failure, etc. yes. I'd like to forget that
[17:20] psycho-sappho-pseudo-vday-date: I did buy a rose for you (couldn't help it- humor me)
[17:21] ericalooking: I'll try. :)

Everyone recommended feeding her much booze.
im just worried that the drinking will loosen the tears
and/or sulk in a corner, saying "if you leave, I'll kill myself. but
I don't think I can talk to you right now. but no, go ahead and go
home, if you have to"
AWESOME! Thanks for that fear, redline
I'm here to help.
hence you should have an ironclad freedom-to-bail-if-you-suck date
guarantee in writing.
it's all a matter of willpower.
it's a test of your Will To Not Be Annoyed.
unless they get more annoying.
then they're Still There
and in your house.
you can always have a relative fall deathly ill at a convenient hour
unless she gets even weepier and spends the day in bed with the
shades drawn writing bad poetry
holy hell. the trick is not to know people like that
well, yeah.
but we're past that point now
hence building up the power to say "you're a total mess and I can't
deal with you now. get out."
"you just need the will to do what the other guy won't"
why am i consumed by dread?
because this girl sounds like a bag of issues with no handle
shes bringing me a rose
i should get her a flower or something, right?
"I got you some moss"
the FTD "I'd probably like to be somewhere else right now" Fungal
well, wish me luck
indeed. if she starts bawling, I recommend saying you'll run out for
more kleenex, and going to a bar.

So, if you run into me at a bar tonight, you'll know what happened. Bitch better bring her toybag


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what happened with PsychoSappho? You can't make a post like that without a prompt follow-up!

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you?

Either she wore your ass out or you hooked up with another "friend".

Dish the dirt.

And I am still waiting for that audio post of an orgasm.

11:53 AM  

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