Move complete.
Or nearly so. Friday day was spent in a variety of states of mental and physical undress. Ms. Kidmanesque came by in the morning, toybag in tote. I’d pack for an hour or so, then take a ‘fuckbreak.’
She brought this toy – The Rabbit vibe. Now, I know it was made famous on sex and the city years ago, and I even had a cheapo little knock out that had done me fairly well.. But hers – I think it is turbo or something. It REALLY REALLY sent me packing (no pun intended). I think I performed pretty well, given that it’s been at least 4 years since I’ve been in bed with a woman without the ability to tag-in my male counterpart. Heh.
She got a true taste of my style tho – as during the day there were 5 different people who stopped by to assist me with my moving efforts – all of whom I’ve slept with. I was waxing poetic about what good friends I have and how lucky I am that they are willing to help me out and she pointed out ‘they do it all for the nookie, Erica. The nookie.’
She’s freaking me out a little bit tho. Typical girl shit, as far as I can tell (not being a typical girl myself!). She’s all needy. Keeps telling me I should try a relationship with a woman. And I’d only been driving for an hour after leaving her and received a text msg saying ‘miss you already!’ Followed by 3 more over the course of the weekend about not being able to wait to see me, and so on.
Since this is the ‘Great couch surfing tour of 2004’ (she kindly brought up the fact that she doubts I’m actually sleeping on any couches, to which I replied ‘well the great bedsurfing tour of 2004 is a little more off-putting!’) I’ve been meandering from house to house. Initally I had arranged to spend weds night of this week with her. But since that arrangement, it has come to pass that she will be driving to NH with me on Thursday night to deliver my fouton and bookcase and break in my new apartment with some Sapphic sexual trysts. Given her somewhat perilous mental state I decided that spending 3 nights in a row with her might push her over the edge or give her ideas I don’t want her to have. She actually CRIED and got in a terrible pissy girl mood, saying that she wanted to see me and needed me and all sorts of girl blahblahblah.
This, boys and girls, is why I don’t date women. Well that and I feel completely unexperienced in bed with them, and have no idea how to seduce them. I mean with guys, its easy. A simple ‘wannafuck’ will suffice 9 times out of 10. Women.. a totally different story!
True to form, my weekend in NH consisted of NO ass. I did get intimately acquainted with my vibrators again, however. Me and masturbation is a topic for an entry all of its own, however.
The couchsurfing tour of 2004 has started off well. Monday night I went out to dinner with a very attractive black military man with a motorcycle. We had dinner and lots of sexual talk and some pretty good flirting. Not being my usual self, I acted as the aggressor and asked to kiss him as he pulled in to drop me at my friend’s house. He said he was hoping for more than that, but pretending to be the good and moral girl I’m not, I said I couldn’t in the car in my friend’s driveway. I did however tease him a little – informing him I had no panties on and letting him check.
Last night was amusing in its own way. My host for the evening, the ascotw, had tickets to the baseball game, so I was to meet up with him around 10. This left me with an evening with nothing to do. Of course, I called up the as yet unnicknamed date. I’d spent one evening out drinking and talking with him many moons ago. I don’t think we even kissed, although we had some bonding moments over a shared love for don mattingly. We’ve been chatting on instant messenger for some time tho, and he always amuses me, so as they say, any port in a storm. More like I just needed a drinking buddy for the evening. I warned him that I turned into a pumpkin at 10, and tried to set expectations (ie, I’m not going home with you, I have other plans).
We had a very good time, talking, laughing and drinking. And more drinking. I think I consumed 4 martinis and 4 mixed drinks in the span of 3 hours. Whoops. Funny thing is, I don’t even think I was that drunk! I’m such a cruel bitch…during the evening I asked him how he felt about being the pregame, and thus, his nickname was born.
Pregame gave me a ride to the train station to meet ascotw. He finally reached over to kiss me and run his hands up my skirt. We kept getting honked at at stoplights as he was paying more attention to moi than the driving he should have been doing. Just before he dropped me off he played a decent game of ‘finger Erica in the front seat of your car’ and said ‘well, if its my job to prime the pump I guess I might as well excel at it!’
The train ride home with ascotw was great. He told me a few times how cute or endearing little things I do or did were. Overall smiles and goodness. We were busy flirting, and somehow missed the stop where his car was parked, so had to walk a little ways to his truck. The only effect this served was to sober me up for the activities to follow. And to allow him to demonstrate his chivalry by carrying my ultra heavy bag.
When we got home, we pretty much progressed straight to the bedroom, where in a completely uncharacteristic Erica move I tossed him down onto the bed and climbed ontop and began to ravage. Fully dressed, shoes and all, I kissed his neck and him rubbed my body all over him and writhed on his jock like a stripper on e.
After turning off the glaring overhead light, we proceeded to more heavyduty making out. There’s something that happens when he kisses me.. somehow it’s the most tender and tingly of all of the stable. He kisses my back between my shoulderblades and it makes my whole body tremble! And then, as I’m rising up on my hands and knees and pushing into him, he whispers in my ear ‘Don’t move,’ and heads off to gather some implements.
Moments later I’m handcuffed, getting a spanking/fingering/flogging to write home about. And the orgasm! He just kept going after all my little small ones, and brought me to the body shaking, pushing him away, trembling, can barely function mess. Just what the doctor ordered. AND the cherry on the sundae? A night of cuddling to end all cuddling. Damn him for being my upperhanded current favorite.
Tonight is dinner with the widow, then the night with Mr. LiveMusicFreak. Wish me luck.